Before You Apply For Any Tech Sales Job, Read this

3 things you must know before you apply for any tech sales job

Morning Ladies and Gentlemen,

As much as you want to get hired by tech companies,

You should make sure that you are making the right decision for your tech sales career,

It’s never enough to blindly follow what recruiters might tell you about the job role,

Or decide based on what one or two people tell you.

This is why you must keep these 3 things in mind before applying for any tech sales job:

1. You should know that landing a Tech sales job role is not always about the On-Target earnings, i.e the number of earnings received when you hit your quota

2. Take your time and find out their compensation plan, so you know what you are signing up for.

3. Check for the quota attainment

Quota attainment rate is a key metric that measures the percentage of a salesperson’s sales quota that they have achieved during a specific period.

You can use this to know where reps of any company are actually crushing it!

To make this process easy for you leverage on RepVue,

Use a reputable source like RepVue to get the most up-to-date information on quota attainment in tech - Check out the latest salaries and quota attainment from your top companies

And it will also help you streamline your job search in Tech sales,

Making sure that you are looking in the right places.

You see, getting the best tech sales opportunity is not about how many companies you applied for,

But if you are looking in the right place,.

And those are the things I will tell you in full about in my upcoming free community.

It’s launching on the 14th of October and will be mind-blowing,

…because I will unleash some of the best ways and opportunities to land a high-paying tech job.

Even if you are just transitioning into tech.

Yours truly,


P.S. Do you have any of your friends and family that you want to benefit from my upcoming free community in tech?

You can forward this email to them.


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